Games Time: Planning and Acting to Respect Human Rights in Mega-Sporting Events
09 Apr 2020
Author - Centre for Sport and Human Rights
Games Time is designed to support organisations and authorities involved in the final preparation and delivery of major sporting events in their efforts to ensure respect for international human rights standards. In the overall lifecycle of a major sporting event, the final six months (‘games time’) are critical not only to delivery of the event, but also to ensuring human rights are protected. This Guide helps organisers do this important work.
It will help those seeking to understand how to identify possible human rights risks beforehand, and assess any actual or potential adverse human rights impacts with which they may be involved. Risks and impacts are likely to be different depending on whether the event involves single or multiple days, single or multiple sports, or single or multiple venues (or cities). The risk will also vary where the venues or cities have hosted previous games or competitions of a similar scale and nature.
All too often, human rights analyses focus on risks and negative impacts without considering human rights opportunities and the potential for positive impact or legacy. Beyond discussions of risk and mitigation, this Guidance also seeks to explore opportunities for legacy, influence and lasting impact.
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