Centre Policies
We have a unique governance structure and take seriously a commitment to exemplify our values through our governance, including by publishing as many of our policy documents as we can.
The Centre for Sport and Human Rights group comprises Centre pour le Sport et les Droits de l'Homme (a non-profit Swiss Association domiciled at Rue Baylon 2bis, 1227 Carouge), its subsidiary Centre for Sport and Human Rights Limited (a registered charity with the Company Number 11422595, Charity Number 1187647, and registered address at 19c Commercial Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3XE, UK) and the charity’s representative office in Geneva. The charity is our operating entity so its address should be used for contracts and invoices. Our office is located at Maison Internationale de l'Environnement 2, Chemin de Balexert 7-9, 1219 Châtelaine, Geneva.
Our objectives are set out in our primary governing document – our Swiss Articles of Association, lodged with the Geneva Register of Commerce. Our Swiss Articles are consistent with our subsidiary charity’s UK Articles of Association, available at Companies House.
Our policy framework is primarily set out in two main policy documents which we continually seek to improve and strengthen - the current versions both are available here:
The Events Code of Behaviour supplements the above at all CSHR events
We do not maintain a standalone safeguarding policy, but instead incorporate safeguarding provisions in all our policies, primarily though the Code of Conduct. We also maintain a Governance Handbook that provides further detail on our governance structure and the duties of our Board of Directors. We are additionally guided by our Operational Principles.
Based on our policies we operate a number of channels for the submission of formal correspondence to us on conduct issues related to:
Please refer to each of these three pages, and our Third Party Complaints Procedure, for details of how to communicate any concerns, complaints or grievances to us. For routine correspondence please instead refer to the Contact Us page.
We also maintain a number of policies relating to this website:
If you wish to inform us to remove your details from our contacts lists in accordance with our Privacy Policy please email: [email protected]
Members of the Advisory Council are also bound by our Advisory Council Policy, which is available to prospective members upon request.