Third Annual Sport and Human Rights Reading List

As part of the Centre’s educational work, it publishes an annual ‘Sport & Human Rights Reading List’, which contains references and links to carefully selected publications relevant to the broader field of sport and human rights.

We published the first version of the list in February 2022 where we included what we at the Centre consider key readings on sport and human rights since the Centre’s inception in 2018. From the second version onwards, we have included relevant publications from the previous year.

In this third version, we have collected publications from 2023. The readings are listed chronologically, starting with the most recent. We opened a public request for input and would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to engage. We have carefully reviewed the suggestions and included the relevant resources.

As 2024 marks the launch of the Global Sport & Human Rights Research Network (GSHRRN), we are hopeful that this resource will prove increasingly valuable as a tool to inspire discussions.

This list only presents a snapshot of the relevant literature available on sport and human rights. More material can be found in our online library. We will continue to consult with our network for future reading lists and are happy to consider suggestions.

For suggestions and questions on this list, please use this form or email [email protected] and [email protected].

Third Annual Reading List Cover

2024 Reading List


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