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Roadmap to Remedy: Effective Responses to Abuse in Sport

Recent years have seen a rise in reports of recent and non-recent cases of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse cases related to different kinds of sport, in different countries and across different continents. The way these cases have been addressed and responded to often did not bring about the remedy that was needed and in the worst cases led to further harm and re-traumatisation. 

The 'Roadmap to Remedy' project was borne out of a realisation that those most affected by abuse – victims, survivors, and whistle-blowers – all shared concerns about inadequate, unsafe and ineffective investigation and resolution mechanisms. Over the past two years, the Centre for Sport and Human Rights has researched and consulted widely with a range of stakeholders on how sports can improve their responses to reports of abuse. With support from the Clifford Chance Foundation, the Centre teamed up with a group of Affected Persons from different sports across the globe to explore together what needs to improve when it comes to responding to abuse and providing access to remedy, in terms of investigating cases, reaching determinations and resolutions based on the evidence gathered in investigations, and better engaging Affected Persons in building longer term solutions. 

The series of outputs below provides knowledge, recommendations, and practical tools for sport bodies and Affected Persons and their representatives to raise the standard of access to remedy for abuse cases in sport. As such, remedy is a complex topic because it can take many different forms and shapes and the need for it arises only when people have been harmed. The Centre is committed to sharing collective expertise and continuous engagement with stakeholders, and therefore invites you to provide any feedback or questions you might have on these outputs by using the 'contact us' function at the bottom of this page.

Roadmap to Remedy Outputs

R2R Output 4 Website Box

Roadmap to Remedy Output 4

Understanding how to take a trauma-informed approach to investigating abuse in sport

Cycling Peloton Square

Roadmap to Remedy Output 3

A guide on the right to remedy in the context of abuse in sport.

Athlete Stretching Square

Roadmap to Remedy Output 2

Introducing a series of guides on engaging Affected Persons and developing effective responses to abuse in sport.

Swimmer Square

Roadmap to Remedy Output 1

Preview of co-created guidance on human rights compliant investigations


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